+44 (0) 208 684 2288
Kamasan B800
Kamasan B830
Kamasan B180
Kamasan B270
Kamasan B280
Kamasan B380
Kamasan B990
Petitjean CDC packs 1 gram
Petitjean split thread
Petitjean cdc Oil
Petitjean Magic Heads
Petitjean Magic tool set
Petitjean TT Bobbin holder
Marc Petitjean Magic Tool Hair Stacker
Marc Petitjean Loop Clamp
Marc Petitjean Dubbing Needle
Marc Petitjean Plier
Marc Petitjean Whip Finisher
Marc Petitjean Twister
Marc Petitjean Scissors
Marc Petitjean MP Tool sets
Marc Petitjean tool rack and light new
Marc Petitjean Swiss vice Master version
Marc Petitjean Station for Swiss Master vice
Marc Petitjean Thread Splitter
Marc Petitjean Gallows System
Marc Petitjean Trash Bin
Marc Petitjean Tool Rack Only
Marc Petitjean Accessories Support
Marc Petitjean Releaser
Marc Petitjean Profile Plate
Marc Petitjean LTB 0 Tying Bag
SMHAEN Bobbin Holders
Smhaen Half Hitch tool & Cutter
SMHAEN Master Dubbing Twister - NEW RED REGULAR
Smhaen Tungsten Carbide Scissors
SMHAEN Thread Splitter
SMHAEN Dubbing Needle
Snowbee Flymate vice Clamp standard
Snowbee Flymate vice Clamp Ball
Snowbee Flymate vice Pedestal standard
Snowbee Flymate vice Pedestal ball
Snowbee Prestige Vice Spare Clamp
TyWheel Clip Attachment
TyWheel Trimmer
Renomed Scissors
Bug bond original
Bug Bond lite
Bug bond Tip Kit
Bug Bond Pro light KIT
Bug Bond Multi LED light KIT
Betfor UV Resin Low Viscosity
Betfor UV Resin Medium Viscosity
Betfor UV Resin High Viscosity
Veniard Premium Wax
BT Dubbing wax tacky tube
Stormsure adhesive
Overtons Wonder Wax
Overtons Supreme Line Dressing
Gherkes Products (Gink & Xink)
Mucilin Products
Slipstream Tubes Type A Light Plastic
Slipstream Tubes Type B Stout Plastic
Slipstream Tubes Type C Aluminium
Slipstream Tubes Type D Copper
Partridge Standard Dry Barbless Hooks
Partridge Ideal Standard Dry Barbless SUD2 Hooks
Partridge Sproat Wet Hooks Barbless G3AY Hooks
Partridge Wide Wet Hook Barbless Hooks
Partridge Wide Gape Jig Hook Barbless Hooks
Partridge Grub & Buzzer Straight Eye Barbless K4AY Hooks
Partridge Klinkhamer Barbless 15BNY Hooks
Partridge SLD4 Surehold Wet
Partridge SLD3 Surehold Dry
Fario FBL 301 Barbles Wet Fly
Fario FBL 302 Barbless Short Shank
Fario FBL 303 Barbless Dry Fly
Future Fly 3 & 1.8mm Tubing
Future Fly - Fly Tying Bag
Future Fly Tying Mat (Silicone Patch)
Future Fly Round Rubber Legs
Future Fly Star Flash
Future Fly Tubevise Needle Medium
Future Fly Hybrid Cones
Future Fly Brass Beads
Future Fly UFO Disc 6mm
Future Fly Nano UFO Discs
Future Fly Artificial Jungle Cock
Future Fly Tube Vice
Future Fly Hackle tool
Moorhen Wings
Stonfo 723 CDC Block
Barred Cock Tails
APT (All Purpose Traditional) UV Dubbing
Empty Bead Box with Tweezers
Empty Storage box with foam insert
Bulk Booby Eyes (x1000's)
Scandinavian tungsten cone heads x 100 packs
Sale Hooks & Shanks
Silver Pheasant body feathers
Wigeon Breast
Hen Mallard
Barred Long Ostrich - Purple Only
Moose Body Hair
Tiewell Mega Hair YELLOW ONLY
Veniard Coloured Copper Wire Fine .2mm
Bead Tweezers
Slotted Tungsten Beads Copper
Slotted Tungsten Beads Gold
Slotted Tungsten Beads Black
Hot Colour Beads x 100's
Hot Colour Brass Beads x 1000's
Eumer Teardrop Tube Body
Gold Loop Kelly Clamp
The Feather Benders Nesting Hair Stackers
TC Premium Kit 2
Stonfo 725 Thread Cutter
Stonfo 726 CDC Winding Tool
Stonfo 727 Trimmer
Veniard Non Skid Hackle Plier
Smhaen Material Guard
Hareline Ceramic Zirconia Dubbing Rake
Stonfo 745 Steeltech Bobbin Holder Heavyweight
Stonfo 746 Angle Joint
Renomed Tweezers
Sprung Loaded Ghillie Nippers (with Eye Cleaner)
Smhaen Fly Tying Mat
Magnet-Ique Products
The Line Master from Easy Shrimp Eyes
Cobblers wax
Barry Ord Clarke's Flytyng Material Pack
Veniard Premium fly tying kit Anniversary Edition
Veniard Starter Fly Tying Kit
Empty GG size Spools
Barred Short Ostrich
Streamer Fur
Veniard Bulk Dyes
The Complete Illustrated Directory of Salmon Flies Book
Tying Flies with CDC book by Leon Links
A Fine Line Book by George Barron
The Feather Bender's Flytying Techniques Book by Barry Ord Clarke
Fly Tying For Beginners by Barry Ord Clarke
The Klink by Hans Van Klinken
The Feather Benders Advanced Flytying Techniques Book by Barry Ord Clarke
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