+44 (0) 208 684 2288
Fluorescent Chenille
Glo-Brite suede chenille Card
Ice Straggle chenille Ex Fine spools
Ice Straggle chenille Ex Fine Boxes of 12
Ice Straggle chenille Standard spools
Ice Straggle chenille Standard Boxes of 12
UV Straggle Standard Spools
UV Straggle Standard Boxes of 12
UV Straggle Ex Fine Spools
UV Straggle Ex Fine Boxes of 12
Krystal Chenille 10mm 2 metre packet
Micro Cactus chenille 0.8mm
Cactus chenille 15mm Standard
Cactus chenille 6mm Fine
Razzle Dazzle
3mm Stretch Worm Chenille
UV Egg Chenille
Rayon chenille
Suede chenille
TT (Turbo Translucent) chenille
FAP Dennis the menace standard Fritz
Plush Fritz Large 15mm
Plush Fritz Mini 8mm
FAP Polar Fritz Style
FAP straggle fritz
FAP Dennis the menace Straggle fritz
FAP UV straggle fritz
FAP UV fritz
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